Mladen J. Kocica, MD

"We can not do great things, just small things with great love"


The story of the Blue Frog ...


"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."

George Bernard Shaw

This cutie was not meant just to bring me luck, but (I suppose) mostly to keep my connection with some other, better world outside, opened. And, yes, it helps. No matter how, it brings me joy and keeps me smiling, even when the going gets tough. And, that's all.



Trying to learn more the blue frog, I found some interesting stories.


Egyptian Symbol of Fertility and Regeneration:

The frog had several Egyptian names but the most commonly used was kerer which represented the sound of a frog.

The life cycle of the frog, which of course included the tadpole stage, became the hieroglyph for 100,000, and it often decorated the shen ring thereby wishing Pharaoh a 100,000 year reign. Heket, the goddess of childbirth, particularly in the final stages of labour, was the diety most closely associated with the frog.

Plus four of the eight gods connected with the creation legend were said to have frog faces. These were Heh, Kek, Nun and Amun.

As such, the frog was also thought of as 'the emblem of chaos', of primal matter, wet and unformed - the symbol of unformed man. Frogs were carried as talismans and were often placed within the wrappings of mummies as magical amulets to ensure rebirth for the deceased.


Aztec Legend of Sun God Nanahuatzin and Chocolate:


Aztec legend holds that chocolate, the “food of the gods,” was hidden from human beings inside cocoa pod beans by the sun god, Nanahuatzin. Mankind owes our knowledge of the divine dish to Xocolati, the god of delight. Xocolati appeared to humans as a blue frog and sang his distinctively delightful song from the bitter waters of the great pond, giving pleasure to the hot tropical nights.

Dendrobates azureus - from Wikipedia:


Dendrobates azureus is a type of poison dart frog found in South America, specifically in the Sipaliwini District in Suriname. Dendrobates azureus is widely known as the Blue Poison Dart Frog or by its Tirio Indian name, Okopipi.

Within its native range, Dendrobates azureus is found in dark moist areas, especially under rocks near streams. Unlike most frogs, it lays its eggs on land, usually under a rock in a mossy area.
Although Poison dart frogs are known for their skin toxin, used on the tips of arrows or darts of natives, in reality only the species of the Phyllobates genus are used in this manner, although all poison dart frogs have some level of toxicity. The paralytic neurotoxins are not produced by the frog itself, but taken from many of its insect prey in the wild and deposited in the skin. As a result, frogs raised in captivity (often for the pet market) lack defensive poison.

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