"The philosopher should begin with medicine, the
physician should end with philosophy".
Aristotle (384-322 BC)
In the medical field, health is commonly defined as an
organism's ability to efficiently respond to
challenges (stressors) and effectively restore and
sustain a state of balance (homeostasis).
In much wider sense, the trinity of health is a state
of complete physical (Son), mental (Father) and social
(Holly Spirit) well-being and not merely the absence
of disease or infirmity.
Cardiac surgery is a "hell-of-a-job". To do it well,
one has to love it, above all. Lifetime learning will
gradually unravel the secrets of Denton Colley's
wisdom: "Modify, simplify and apply." Being honest and
responsible on this path, you'll know how to cherish
the holly trinity of health.
The storyboard of my professional life:
Basic science and clinical practice.
The New Concepts of Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology -
Royal Liverpool Children's NHS Trust, Alder Hey
Hospital, Eaton Road, West Derby, Liverpool, UK.
Prof. Sir Magdi H. Yacoub (UK), Prof. Sir Donald N.
Ross (UK), Mrs. Teresa Boluda-Molla (ESP), Dr.
Mladen J. Kocica (SER).
Acute aortic dissections.
(Why do they always come after midnight?)
Bentall ("button technique") and Cabrol operations.
Circular endoventricular patch plasty (modified
Dor's procedure).
Surgical ventricular restoration (SVR) is a future
of cardiac surgery.
Why? Ask the cardiologists.
Instead of "PCI vs. CABG" it should be "PCI vs.
vascular biology".
Cardiac surgery is a team work.
My favorite assistant: Dr. D. Cvetkovic, Dr. G.
My favorite anesthesiologists: Dr. I. Divac, Dr. Lj.
My favorite operating room nurses: N. Nikolic, J. Petrovic,
J. Novakovic.